Using the code ‘Witnesses' Job/Status’

This code can be used to retrieve information about the individuals involved in the case according to their profession or their different roles and perspectives. By choosing a specific job description such as social worker, the user will retrieve data showing everything that any social worker discussed during the court case.

E.g. To understand the role of a social worker as a practitioner and as a professional witness in a court case

Do the following:

  1. If anything is still selected (text in the lists are highlighted) then click on the ‘Reset Form’ button at the bottom of the page.
  2. In the area where you can select the role or occupation of the witness: - Select 'Social Worker' (click once with the mouse)
  3. Click on the 'Show Quotations' button at the bottom of the page
  4. A new page opens showing all the data you have retrieved. This can be cut and pasted into a word processing file for later use.

Teaching use

Students can read the text this produces to begin to understand the role of a social worker as a practitioner and as a professional witness in a court case.  

This can be used to teach students about the issues which may need to be considered when using a multi-agency approach, such as effective communication.

This retrieval can be repeated with other jobs or statuses to produce several sets of data that can be used by students to compare and contrast people's different roles/perspectives.



The Victoria Climbié Foundation

Open Access and Institutional Repositories with Eprints